Saint Jude Children’s Hospital Donation
Add a Saint Jude Children’s Hospital Donation TO YOUR ORDER and Southern Outdoors LLC will match your donation up to $100
Limit 1 match per order and 1 match per month per customer.
CHOOSE Free pickup for Shipping
Southern Outdoors LLC reserves the right to refuse a match at it’s sole discretion where it reasonably believes the offer is being misused, abused , fraudulent or otherwise unlawful.
Donation Stacking will not be permitted in any case
ST Jude Donations Policy
ST Jude donations will be matched up to $100 with 1 per order and 1 per customer per month . Multiple small orders from same households or other nefarious attempts to stack donations won’t be honored. Southern Outdoors LLC reserves the right to refuse any donations or match it deems unlawful, fraudulent, deemed to be “stacking “ or same household for the purpose of taking advantage of the offer .
A customer may select only a ST Jude donation in its cart as a sole item but it may not be matched
Shipping and Tax
If making a ST Jude donation only then choose Free Local Pickup at Checkout . Otherwise the $13.50 shipping charge will be added to your donation.
NC residents may be charged “ sales tax” . Any sales tax charge will be added to your donation . Example if You choose $50 donation and are charged $3 sales tax your donation will be made to ST Jude at $53.